Rearing Partridge & Pheasant Poults
Here at Welland Valley Game, when rearing pheasant and partridge, our key consideration is always to ensure that our customers receive fit, strong pheasant and partridge poults that have been acclimatised to life in the wild.
Setting and maintaining consistently high standards is important to us! Whilst very labour intensive and certainly not easy; by maintaining high standards of husbandry we have gained an enviable reputation throughout the industry. Day old chicks from the hatchery are cared for within a controlled environment incorporating the latest technological advances. Temperature, ventilation, lighting, food and water are carefully managed to ensure each chick is given an excellent start.
Pheasant Rearing
After hatching, pheasant chicks are moved to our temperature controlled units where our dedicated team closely monitor development for 7 weeks. Our rearing system comprises of a temperature controlled shed, night shelter and “A” framed run, which is known as the “A” frame rearing system. This system is designed to keep off the harshest weather conditions whilst ensuring the birds to harden off and acclimatise to our British weather conditions. To further reduce the risk of disease, we ensure that each batch of birds is reared on fresh clean ground by rotating the rearing sytem around our game farm.
In order to prepare the poults for release, at 4 weeks of age we allow the birds to drink from a “bell” drinker in addition to the nipple drinkers this teaches them to drink from open sources in a natural environment. It is at this age we also introduce a 3mm growers pellet, giving you confidence that the poult will have less stress when being released into the release pen.
Partridge Rearing
To provide optimal choice for our customers we operate 2 partridge rearing systems! Firstly; as for pheasants, the "A" frame system rears the birds on the ground, the second system rears the birds on a purpose built, raised verandah system, that ensures birds are clear of the ground to reduce the risk if disease. The rearing system you select for your birds will be dependent on your preferences and requirements; we will of course be delighted to advise.
With both Partridge systems the birds are still reared like Pheasants using both “nipple” and “bell” drinkers. With partridges we introduce "bell" drinkers at approximately 8 weeks, slightly later than for pheasants. At the age of 10 weeks the 3mm grower pellets are introduced again this is to minimise the stress at the release stage.
Husbandy & Welfare
Our specialist game bird veterinarian visits our Liecestershire farm on a regular basis and when poults are well feathered and prepared for release, the health of each is expertly assessed prior to catching.
Pricing & Delivery
To help reduce stress and dehydration and ensure a smooth transition to their new home, poults are generally caught late in the day and travel through the night to be at your destination by daybreak.
About Us
Growing up on a farm in rural Leicestershire meant that our managing partner Tim Stubbs had a love of the coutryside. This love has helped Welland Valley Game become a premier UK game bird supplier.